Engage, Connect, Tune In, Breathe
Come as you are…
Have you ever heard (or secretly said to yourself), “I’m not flexible enough to practice yoga.” “I need to get into better shape before I show up to a class.”
Saying you’re not flexible enough for yoga is like saying you’re too dirty to take a shower.
In yoga, there’s no judgment – there’s no comparison. All you have to do is show up – on your mat – as you are – and breathe.
Easier Said Than Done
I understand the feeling of intimidation, of venturing into the unknown. That’s exactly how I felt in my first class (er… um… classes).
Seeing yogis turn and twist themselves into pretzel-like shapes while I was still finding my footing felt tough.
“How will I ever get there?” I kept repeating to myself.
Practice… Practice… Practice.
Yoga is a practice, an experience, a way to connect to your deepest inner self.
It brings it all together, a complete system integration: Mind, Body, Emotions – throughout breath and movement.
By simply showing up on your mat intending to breathe, you have already begun the practice!
What if I told you the entire asana (pose) practice was to align your mind and body into a place of stillness for savasana (corpse pose)?
And If you’ve ever been to a yoga class, potentially the best part of practice is the final resting pose, during which the teacher comes over to you and lovingly cradles your head.
And Personalization.
In your private yoga session (like all treatments), we’ll customize everything we do for your specific needs, as well as your unique comfort and experience levels.
You will have the option to practice a more vigorous class of Hatha/Vinyasa, fast-paced tempo through breath with movement flow.
Another offering is its counterpart, Yin yoga, slow flow practice that uses props and support for long holds to release stagnant connective tissue.
Both practices support your body by increasing flexibility, mobility, and ease of breath – and creating a comprehensive sense of well-being.
Both will align you on the path toward creating balance. Bringing together opposites will provide the opportunity for surrender.
Aligning Mind and Body
Sometimes, what your mind wants is not what your body needs. The intention of our practice is to shift out of your mind and into your body.
In a continued movement class, you’ll push through barriers in strengthening and toning. Your body’s growing capabilities will surprise you!
In a Yin practice, you’ll focus on finding an edge and sinking into the stillness while simultaneously resisting the urge to move and allow yourself to let go.
Both practices offer you an opportunity to challenge what you think you know about your body – the stories you tell it of what it can and cannot do.
Challenge what you know and discover your flow.
Our sessions can be personal, virtual, or group-oriented – we’ll use the format that works best for YOU.
Your body is a miraculous creation with the capacity to expand, grow, and recreate itself. Your cells are constantly regenerating, and you have the power to create the body you truly desire.
Let’s work together and find a flow that works for you.