
Commit. Surrender. Move.

Commit to your healing. Surrender to the process. Move through the discomfort into alignment.

How often are you aware of your thoughts?

Do you check in with your body throughout the day?

What would it feel like to put yourself first?

Envision yourself placing all your responsibilities down, trusting they’ll be there whenever you choose to retrieve them.

For a moment, feel the lightness of that release.

You schedule your appointment, knowing that you’ve carved out an hour or two in your life – for yourself – to just, be.

In a space with soothing tones that feel serene and grounding – you feel safe, seen, and heard. Your shoulders relax; your facial tension slowly subsides.

You can even create this experience at your home if you like.

As you lie on the table and focus on breathing, all the weight you’ve held onto for so long begins to unfold. It may take some time to allow yourself to relax – we spend most of our daily living in our head, the body-conditioned stress response.

Over time, you begin to sink in and allow yourself to let go. Your breath is steady, flowing, calm – you drift away.

Thoughts have slowed or stopped altogether. You feel safe to rest – you may even have fallen asleep or are simply floating in deep peace.

As the session ends and you glide back to the present moment, you emerge and notice the room around you.

How do you feel?

Continuing about your day, you begin to observe the world differently. Things seem brighter, feel lighter, smell better.

Every experience begins to flow – effortlessly. You’ve now stepped into a place of alignment.

As you slow down and tune into your breathing, you observe yourself from an outside perspective. You notice the thoughts – and can now detach from them.

Imagine yourself disconnecting from your thoughts just for a moment, long enough to experience your body as it is.

Holistic bodywork, Energy healing, Yoga – all have the same intention.

To connect you with yourself- your vessel, where you live each day.

As you create a personal self-care practice and learn to tune in, you step into alignment with your best self.

Your experience is your own, and you’ll receive whatever you need in the moment.

Over time and conscious practice, your life experience will begin to shift.

Freedom is possible.

Integrated massage sessions will free your body of stored tension and, over time, accelerate into more freedom of mobility.

Holistic bodywork will soothe your senses and release the heavyweight of residual emotional pain – you will feel lighter, more at ease.

Yoga brings it all together – mind, body, spirit, and soul. Best of all, they All strengthen your immunity.

I’ll meet you where you are.

We’ll connect on whatever level feels comfortable to you – whether you’re looking for relaxation, focused tension work, or release of deep stored pain.

Your sessions are about You – what you need on that day. We can show up in a different body every day – honoring where you are is part of the process.

What do you want most from life – apart from the material?

Peace? Freedom? Joy?

By giving yourself that space to receive, you open yourself up to all your highest potential.

The best thing you can do for the people you love is tending to your needs, above all else, in this way. You can show up for others from a place of fulfillment.

Investing in your health and happiness is the best money (energy) you can spend.

About Me

“Empower your Freedom.”

These were the words on my first business card eleven years ago, and they still hold true today.

My life’s mission is to inspire others to feel Empowered and Free.

I believe life offers us opportunities through our choices – of how we want to live and the experience we wish to have.

Learning by Doing

My journey has been one of trial and error, learning through experience. I’ve gained much wisdom by learning things the hard way, taking the scenic route.

I was on a continual loop for many years – repeating unhealthy cycles and patterns, attracting the same drama-trauma-llama disempowering experience in different forms. These “teaching moments” always left me feeling depleted and disconnected from my truth.

I knew there had to be another way to live.

In 2011, I’d reached a crossroads, a full life transition into the void of the unknown.

On tour at Spa Tech Institute, I walked into a practice class and found the atmosphere in the room completely moving.

I saw quartz crystals, heard bowl tones, and felt the vibration of the harmonic sounds in the space. I’d experienced nothing like it, and I was sold. Immediately, I signed up, completed the accelerated program and received my license.

Therapeutic Massage – A Complete Game-Changer

Each training experience has unfolded from its precursor and has transformed my life in profound ways.

To deepen my understanding of the energetic component, I also completed their Registered Polarity Practitioner program. This advanced bodywork encompasses many forms of healing, including (but not limited to) Yoga, Craniosacral Therapy, Nutrition, Coaching and Ayurveda.

The next step on my journey was traveling to the jungles of Costa Rica to immerse myself in the practice of Yoga. I earned my 200-hour Hatha/Vinyasa certification through Frog Lotus Yoga International.

I returned years later, searching for balance to study the slow practice of Yin with Costa Yoga. Most recently in 2022 I completed Swastha Yoga International’s 100 hour Therapeutic Yoga Ayruveda Specialist training.

In 2019, I ventured to the Upledger Institute in Florida to deepen my understanding of Craniosacral Therapy, involving a softer touch to feel into the subtle rhythms of the body.

Over the years I have continued my education with the institute studying advanced Somatic Emotional release. This powerful bodywork aims to rid the mind and body of the residual effects of pain by anatomically freeing trauma stored in the tissues.

In 2021 I completed the Manual Lymph Drainage (Vodder technique) course through the Academy of Lymphatic studies. The application of this clinical bodywork supports various pathologies, encouraging the drainage of lymph nodes and movement of lymph fluids around the body. It can help relieve lymphedema, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, as well as a post-traumatic and post-surgical edema.

On my quest for Balance and Serenity, I have experienced many layers of self-healing. Implementing the tools I’ve learned through holistic bodywork and yoga has given me the power to break cycles of conditioning and create a new life experience.

Combining Education with Purpose

Learning to understand my body and trust its wisdom has inspired my mission – to feel empowered and free.

My ultimate intention in our work together is to help you create and maintain this feeling for yourself, to feel your best.

And, by doing so, to bring yourself out to the world, inspire others around you, and contribute to making the world a better place.

If we can all wake up each day and do what makes us feel our best, intending to live in a place of joy – whatever that means for you (since we are all so different and want different things) – we can create a world of happy, fulfilled, loving people.

Be a part of the change – make your well-being your priority.

You have the power to raise your frequency or the output you emit to the world around you and, in doing so, create and sustain a life of joy and freedom.

Reach out to me today. Let me help you become your best self.