Craniosacral Therapy

The human brain is the most complex organ in the universe.

Our brains contain 100 billion neurons, each neuron connected to 10,000 other neurons, encompassing hundreds of billions of cells interlinked through trillions of connections, all working simultaneously. So you can function at your best in each moment.

Whoa! That’s a mouthful – and a TON of movement. Merely imagining a scale that large is mind-expanding.

The only thing possibly more complex than the human brain is that of… an octopus.

And the brain of an octopus? Well…

An octopus – in general – is completely out of this flipping universe!

(Teeeeechnically, the liver contains more genes. But that’s an organ for a longer page.)

Back to focus, Brain (it listens!):

Your brain is a miracle.

The human brain defies many concepts in universal understanding. It can change, grow, adapt, re-pattern, and self-correct.

The brain plays the central role in controlling your bodily functions, including awareness, movements, sensations, thoughts, speech, and memory.

Your primary physical processing stems from the impulses sent through your Central Nervous System (CNS) – composed of your brain and spinal cord.

Some reflex movements can even occur through spinal cord pathways without the participation of brain structures. (Think – energy healing!)

Consider your brain for a moment…

Surrounded by a thick skull (your cranium) that protects it from the outside world, so it’s safe to work its magic.

Encompassed in a bath called Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF), which has a specific rhythm and movement – just like your heartbeat (cardiac pulse) – and your breath (respiratory pulse).

This luminescent fluid flows around the tissues in your skull, through your brainstem, down your spine, all the way to your low back (sacrum), and back up again.

Put cranium and sacrum together, and…

You get Craniosacral Therapy.

This fluid is responsible for cleaning mental house. Producing and reabsorbing, it brings in nutrients and clears out waste products.

This work intends to access, regulate, and support its flow – so it can function properly by clearing obstructions through its unique hydraulic system.

How does it work?

The hands-on techniques require a light touch – so light it’s almost undetectable. 5g – or the weight of a nickel. THAT light. To assess the flow of your CSF requires a soft relaxed hand. This easy pressure allows your body to feel safe enough to unravel, effortlessly.

This brain and alignment-based bodywork uses gentle, light-touch techniques supporting the structure and function of the CNS to release tension throughout your body.

By accessing and clearing obstructions – every other system in your body will follow suit and naturally self-correct: freeing you from pain, stress, and discomfort.

How does it feel?

In your session, you may fall somewhere between wakefulness and sleeping – as the fluids in your body flow in a harmonic rhythm.

Your body will begin to unravel, beginning from your central core.

Pressure in your head will equalize. Tissues will naturally unwind as your entire body will become attuned with its inherent state of flow.

This work is deep, restorative, and healing. It alleviates your aches, pains, and strains – producing profound positive changes.

Boost your brain function!

Reach out now to experience the incredible transformative power of Craniosacral Therapy.

Nourish and protect what’s protecting you – so you can get the most out of life.