Integrative Massage

Come back to your body’s rhythm and harmony.

Sometimes, you can become disconnected from your body – to where you can no longer recognize it crying out for help.

You might think you know what it wants – but not fully understand what it actually needs.

That’s why I’m here.

I can help you tune in and listen to your body, to find and align with your place of inner stillness.

Once in this place of stillness, you begin to notice different holding patterns – which define your daily movement.

Right shoulder ache, left hip hike, constant aching feet. These discomforts couldn’t possibly all be related, right?

A Surprisingly Sophisticated Web

The truth is that an interconnected web of tissue holds you together – it winds from the base of your skull to the tips of your toes.

You feel every sensation from electricity pulsing through this web that connects to every system.

It wraps your body in many complex patterns, each co-relating to other areas.

So, why focus simply on one area?

Together, we’ll speak to the whole.

Your body is a masterpiece of moving parts that all work cohesively – when you’re in a state of well-being. By addressing your entire physical presence, we gain access to the deepest level of healing.

The intention of our work together is to allow your body to rest and receive.

In this space, you can safely let go of stored pain and tension, and open yourself fully to your body’s natural healing process.

Total Body Reset

In your session, you’ll experience a full-body reset. We’ll address specific and interconnected areas (to your comfort level), so when you get off the table – you’ll feel brand new.

Different parts of your body require different levels of pressure. Accessing the deepest layers will often require using an extremely light touch.

Though that may seem counterintuitive, the many layers each require their level of pressure for accessibility.

Based on your personal needs, we’ll explore different levels of pressure and align with the specific needs of each area of your body.

We listen to – and learn from – your body.

Somedays, you may just want to relax. Other days, you may need more focused work on a specific area.

Maybe you had a busy week of work – or a full schedule that required you to focus all your attention outward – and you couldn’t take time for yourself.

Because we all show up in a different body every day, we’ll tailor each session to meet your personal needs, on that day, at that moment – in an atmosphere that always makes you feel safe, cared for, and honored.

Experience lasting, comprehensive healing

An Integrative Massage session will encompass many forms of hands-on techniques, all incorporated to align you with your inner space of equilibrium.

When your body continually finds a space of relaxation and restoration, it aligns with its natural state of well-being.

We’ll work together to create a personal plan of self-care that you can take with you into your life.

Dis-ease cannot exist in a body that is at ease. Permit yourself to rest, let go, and receive.

Your body, mind, and emotions will thank you.