Add-Ons and Extras

Interested in enhancing your Integrative Massage experience?

Check out these bonus offerings, which will take your restoration and empowered healing to the next level.


Silicone cups will be placed along your body in areas of excess tension or discomfort. The suction will create a negative pressure, increasing circulation between the layers of tissue.

You may be familiar with the marks from cupping, as seen on TV. These marks are not bruises – which results from blunt force trauma.

We are not creating trauma here – we are healing.

These potential marks result from blood escaping from the tissue because of the increased blood circulation. While these marks can happen, they are not the intention.

The cups will be in a consistent state of motion to encourage a smooth, pain-free flow. This work is excellent for any area of the body which feels extra “locked up” or “stuck.”

The negative pressure from the suction engages and increases the blood flow between tissue and skin layers, releasing adhesions and supporting overall mobility of the area.

* Cupping and Hot Stone cannot be combined during a single session.

* This work is not for everyone or all parts of the body – there are contraindications! Let’s chat to see if this is right for you.

Hot Stone

What says ‘Treat Yourself’ more than the comfort of warm salt stones gliding over your overworked and under-loved aching muscles?

Adding hot stones to your treatment makes for the most luxurious, soothing spa experience.

Basalt stones are heated to the perfect temperature – their steady pressure and warmth stimulate the release of any stored tension deep in the muscle fibers.

We will use extra oil to encourage the steady stream for these river rocks, and you will leave feeling as fluid as a river itself – flowing out into your day with ease.

*Hot Stone is only available in my office space in Vineyard Haven.


Ancient civilizations have known the secret that our feet hold an incredible healing power and have practiced this work for centuries.

The manual manipulation of the feet stimulates and reflexes points to various parts of the body, including organs, organ systems, and different networks to promote health and well-being.

The engagement of these points exercises the organs and glands to help them do what they naturally do, aligning to their ideal state of homeostasis.

Working with the connective tissue of the feet brings you out of your thoughts in your head down to your inner space of peace, rest, and release.

Reflexology may be the fastest way for the body to feel safe enough to fall into the deepest state of restoration.


Reiki is the intelligent life force that connects us to what we need – it is all about harnessing the universal energy and bringing it in through your body to connect you to your higher self and everything around you.

This energy-based bodywork will increase and support the flow and movement through every system in your body, physical and energetic, through very light to no touch.

You may experience different sensations, including feelings of warmth, light vibrations, as well as an inner sense of peace and trust.

This energy is plentiful and available to everyone – it is accessible through alignment and intention, with the willingness to surrender and allow your heart to lead the way.