Polarity Therapy


“Everything is energy; that’s all there is to it.”
– Einstein



Good Vibrations

Sound, frequency, and vibration affect every cell, organ, and organ system in our bodies.

Furthermore, our bodies naturally gravitate toward achieving health and well-being, or harmony. Likewise, we can view disease as disharmony.

We can then view health as an expanded state of being – and dis-ease as a contracted state of being.

Organic Connections

The basic principle of Polarity Therapy is that we are one with nature. Nature exists not just outside us – but within us.

Within our bodies, we have pathways related to the different elements we see in nature.

When those pathways become blocked, we have a hard time showing up in the world.

Corresponding Opposites

Polarity refers to the poles, bringing together two opposites – contrast. Light-dark, male-female, fire-water, air-earth.

The world is a nexus of opposites; and, as we parallel nature, so are we.

Just like the pH in our blood, we need to find the sweet spot, the perfect balance between those opposites – to enjoy Optimum Health.

The goal of our work is to balance those aspects within to create an overall sense of well-being.

Natural Harmonies

Like a pinecone, a starfish, or a flower contain specific geometric patterns, your body also follows these patterns. The elements within work to establish harmonic relationships.

If you’re physically healthy, your body’s energies connect not only with each other, but also with the interconnected elements of nature.

By balancing these elemental pathways, we clear blockages on a physical, emotional, and mental level.

Elemental Power

Consider the elements for a moment:

Air moves quickly and – not always seen – but felt. It is your breath, your thoughts, your inspiration.

Fire is warmth – it burns, tames, adapts, and ignites. It is your laughter and motivation – your passion and drive.

Water is fluid, cleansing, uncontained. We can relate this to our cycles of creativity, and deepest emotions – which continually ebb and flow.

Earth is the Ground, stability, consistency. It is the ability to build and heal.

The Fifth Element

Though powerful, each feeds the last element – known by many names – ether, essence, spirit, higher self.

Each of our sessions intends to guide you toward it.

In this place of effortless effort – you will experience the freedom of expression, creativity, movement, and health.

Authentic Healing

Healing occurs when you release obstructions in these elemental pathways to encourage the free flow of your natural energy.

By freeing and moving energy, you empower yourself to create life-supporting thought patterns and choices.

Transformative Process

Throughout your session, you’ll remain fully clothed – in a safe and healing environment. As you listen to the soothing tones of crystal bowls, I’ll guide you into deep states of relaxation.

By gently pressing on specific points of your body, I’ll redirect energy through your elemental pathways to align your positive, negative, and neutral poles. This alignment will restore your natural balance.

To promote ultimate healing, I may strategically place quartz crystals along your body to correspond with your energy centers. These energy centers, known as your chakra system, correlate to your endocrine system – your glandular system – releasing hormones which connect directly to your emotions (energy in motion).

Think of me as a conductor of your personal symphony. I am merely facilitating your healing process by directing the flow. Your systems know what to do to clear and align. I simply tune in and listen.

The combination of gentle bodywork with energetic intention and full-body integration will produce a deep state of restoration.

Reconnect with the larger, unified whole.

Your body possesses Exceptional Intelligence – it knows what it needs. A polarity session will give your body, mind, and emotions precisely what they need at that moment.

With the power of intention, you can heal your own body. Our work provides you with an opportunity to experience your body in a completely new way. By working with your wireless circuitry, you can conduct electricity; i.e., energy movement – strengthening your body’s ability to heal itself.

And, through Distance Energy Healing, you can experience and benefit from this work in the comfort of your own home.

Energy is all around us, all connected. Come home to the ultimate whole.


“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
– Nikola Tesla