You are pure energy.
We live in a universe made up of matter and energy – elements neither created nor destroyed.
The laws of physics tell us we are more than mere physical bodies.
We are pure energy – not limited by space or time. And everything we say, think, and feel IS energy.
You are empathic emotion.
You have a great capacity for feeling – able to tune in, comprehend, and relate to the intense electricity around us.
The excitement overflowing from a stadium brimming with people.
The joy radiating from the hearty belly laugh of a child.
Or the profound sadness emanating from a family mourning the loss of a loved one.
But are you truly aware?
Energy can be a tough concept to understand with the conscious mind. Somehow, every day, we can connect with someone on the other side of the world within a nanosecond through our phones.
Yet, how often do you tune in to your own feeling space – your personal frequency and vibration?
This awareness is a subtle aspect of your physical reality.
Think of your body as a living, sensing, feeling, organic phone.
You know everything is energy – and energy is everywhere.
If you’ve honed your receiver, tuned into the right frequency, and punched the right number,…
You WILL make a connection!
How do we prepare?
In a distance session, you’ll receive all the benefits and healing associated with energy healing – from the comfort of your home.
We’ll connect to discuss your intention for the session, becoming clear on what‘s coming up for you.
The most important way to prepare for your distance energy healing is to Open Your Mind.
Go in with a willingness to face the emotions and memories that may surface – both during and after treatment.
What happens during the healing?
Through the power of energetic awareness, we’ll begin to work on your whole-body energy field, connecting through the veil of space and time.
You may choose to lie in a safe room in your home or possibly receive outdoors – in nature. Where you are and what you’re doing are not important.
I will remain in my highest space of clarity and awareness throughout the session, intending and envisioning your ideal state of being.
And then – connection!
You may experience the shift immediately.
Even if you feel nothing right away, energy work will take place, processing and integrating into your system.
Afterward, you’ll begin to feel lighter, calmer, more clear, and much more relaxed.
As your body aligns to a higher frequency, you will shift into a state of joy, potentially feeling “floaty” from all the good vibrations working through your system.
Don’t hang up! Stay on the line!
It’s essential to listen to your body – even after the session.
Take the time to lie down and rest – to allow for full integration of our work.
The effectiveness of a healing session depends on your willingness to be open to the process.
Harness the Highest Frequency – Free Yourself and Heal
Our intention is to stimulate your emotional clearing process and align you with your optimum state of being – freeing you from negative thought patterns and stored trauma.
Reach out today to get started.
Empowered by your body’s ability to clear, align, and heal itself, you’ll begin to live the life of your highest desires!