Whole Body Harmonics

Listen to Your Body, What is it saying?

Holistic Massage and Bodywork Martha’s Vineyard, MA

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There’s so much to do and not enough time!

No, that is not your Body; that is your Mind. Your busy creative Mind, always on the move with the never-ending list of ‘to-dos.’

Ouch, oof, ahhh. Is that your body talking to you, or maybe yelling at you, for help?

Do you listen to the tension crying out for some TLC, or do you just power through?

“…you need a massage…” It whispers. But your mind tells you that you simply don’t have the time.

You tell yourself, “It’s fine. I’ll stay busy and forget about it.”

But the discomfort will not quit.

Your aching lower back, stiff neck, and stuck shoulder have all just become a part of your daily existence.

Stay on the move and add more to your load so that you don’t even have time to think about it.

You feel tired and depleted – you’re burning the candle at both ends. No matter how much you try, you can never feel entirely caught up on rest, your mind constantly on the move.

You can’t remember the last time you truly felt relaxed.

Until one day, you make the slightest wrong move, and BAM!

A surge of pain takes the wind right out of you, and you’re down for the count.

You’re immobilized, on the couch staring at the ceiling, asking yourself, “How did this happen?!”

This doesn’t have to be your future; you have the power to choose.

When did you last slow down to ask your body what it needs?

Can you remember a time when you let go of your responsibilities for showing up for others and took time for yourself?

Has your inner voice ever spoken up to say:

“Hey body, thanks for carrying so much every day! You deserve a break. Let’s schedule a massage and bodywork session– right now.”

Odds are, you’re not that kind to yourself.

We’re not taught to care for ourselves and our needs.

We’re taught to focus outward on others and that there is always something for us to (im)prove.

You have the power to reprogram your mind to be more kind to yourself.

To do this, you must begin with tuning in to your body.

Ask again, what is your body saying?

Start by taking in a Deeeeep Breath. Then: Let – It – Go.

Do that again – One more time.

Now: Ask your body what it needs – Pause – and Listen.

Discard what you’re thinking; instead, notice what you’re feeling. You may be able to feel parts of yourself that you hadn’t noticed before.

With just a few short breaths, you have begun to slow your nervous system. Just. Like. That.

You have just stepped out of your mind and into your body. A power you can cultivate with continued practice and intention.

Imagine yourself feeling this way throughout your day, weeks, and into every aspect of your life. How much lighter would you feel? 

Each and every massage and bodywork session will guide you to this feeling of lightness and ease.

You have a choice.

You can choose to hold onto this feeling of calm, riding the wave of peace and tension release.

Or you can go back moving against the current, engaging in shallow breathing, and remain disconnected from your breath and body completely.

How do you want to feel?

Understanding the connection between your mind and body, your thoughts and emotions – will change your life.

You have the power to choose how you wish to live. You can remain in a constant state of stress, or you can begin to live a life that feels good to You.

The choice is yours. If you get a clear, “Yes I want to feel better in my body. Yes, I am ready to prioritize my physical and emotional well-being!” – Let’s Connect.

Hi, I’m Monica.

This place of inner harmony and peace is your birthright. It is your original human design and where your highest self always intends to move toward. I want to help you create and maintain a personal self-care practice to align you with your body’s natural rhythm through holistic massage and bodywork.

We will work together to guide your mind and body into the deepest space of restoration – shifting your nervous system from fight or flight to rest and digest. When your body is in this state of ease and balance, it does what it is designed to do – it heals.

More About Me

What I Offer

Take control of your health and well-being today.

Give yourself permission to slow down and receive a healing massage and bodywork session.

By allowing yourself to fully rest, you will increase your immune response and support your body’s
innate ability to heal.

Let me support you on your journey to a vibrant life in a place where you feel safe and nurtured.

Reach out today to set up a free consultation